Many food distribution services operate at the Center according to community need. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center has held biweekly food distributions and has provided over 2,670,000 lbs of food since the beginning of 2020.
The Garden Project was an initiative that started in 2016. Its aim is to provide a communal green space for members of the low-income community. The project sits on 1 acre of land on the premise and includes a greenhouse. All stages of plant growth, from germinating to harvesting, occur here with the help of experienced growers and interested families and individuals. Any and all members of the community are welcome to participate in the project, including taking home ripe produce.
The Center serves as a focal point for community health services, allowing families to fulfill their health needs. Partnered with Harris County, services such as vaccinations, COVID-19 testing, mammograms, and more are made available to the community at no cost.
The Center advocates for Vietnamese-American senior citizens to gain culturally and socially enriching opportunities through organized field trips to sites within 150 mile radius. Past field trips include the Houston Rodeo, Galveston pier, and Rose Garden Emporium in Brenham.
Morning coffee can be a ritual for those who derive a source of energy from its caffeinated contents. However, coffee can also be a medium of socialization. Coffee is offered at no cost to those who stop by the center.
Summers are a prime time to connect with children outside of their traditional processes of learning. There can be fun in learning, evident in the joy experienced during activities such as science experiments, bilingual group readings, and a robotics program.
In collaboration with the Center, Dr. Alicia Bordon and Dr. Juan Carlos Barriga, the Houston Food Bank Foundation, Prince of Peace Parish, and Mr. James Johnson's family and friends organized the Holiday Gifts to Share program for the Hispanic community in December 2020.